Replace Materialism ≠ Happiness

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Materialism ≠ Happiness

I'm just a regular college student. I'm unpopular. And based on people's 'happines index' these days, which is measured materially, i'm not a happy person.

Economically speaking, i'm from a middle class family. I ain't rich, but i ain't poor either. Gratefully, my parents have enough money to buy me decent food and pay my educational cost, but not enough to buy me things like high-end PC, sophisticated video game console, or irrationally-expensive smartphone, while my friends do.

The pathetic thing is, when my friends start talking about one of those 'exclusive' things (the most common one is high-end video games), i can't understand it cause i don't have that such thing. And it's a kinda shame. Not because of the economical limit of my parents, but i feel marginalized. I'd surely be quiet everytime that topic comes outta their mouths.

The question is, am i unhappy with all of that 'economically limited' condition? Well, according to material-oriented people, they might say that i'm an unhappy person who doesn't have enough money to buy things that bring happiness.

Fortunately, i've learned much lessons of life which, indirectly, told me that there are so many things that are much more important than money and material stuff. And those lessons made me a non-materialist person.

Things that make me happy are located inside. It's what inside my heart, what inside my head. Most of those materialists might judge me that i'm in a denial of what i'm incapable of. But i'm not.

I do have things that are much more precious than money and material stuff. And i do believe that those things could make me tons of money someday. As i mentioned above, those things are inside me; my attitude, my ability, my creativity.

I'm not being such a snob right here, but it's all i've got. Those things inside me are the 'finger' that pull my trigger to achieve 3.78 GPA, level 8 TOEIC course, ability to write this post in english, and gratefully many other 'inner beauties'.

So, let me ask this simple question : who will be more needed by the world, by people, by societies, by huge companies? The one who has 3.78 GPA or the one who has PlayStation 4? I think you know the answer.

Once again, i'm not being a smug, arrogant, vain, or whatever you'd call me. I'm just getting things straight. I'm trying to tell people who are materially and economically limited, to never be hopeless, frustrated, or desperate. And i'm trying to tell the world that money, economical condition, and the other material stuff are not the indicator to measure someone's happiness.

So, to the people of earth, please stop making your fellow beings to think that they won't be happy if they're not rich. Stop spreading materialism ideas.

First things first. Believe me, if you enrich your brain and heart, automatically, you'll be happy, rich, and money will come to you.

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